
Sponsor会议赞助 (Sponsorship Brochure Download)

We would like to invite you to support the ICET 2024 by becoming a sponsor and exhibitor. This is a very good opportunity to show your recent products to the best in the field and be inspired by new developments in the field. It is an ideal way to demonstrate your commitment to the field of Information Science and Systems and promote its further development. It is also an important vehicle to publicize your support to many leaders and students in the field from all over the world.

Your support is very important to ICET 2024, and we want to ensure you that your contribution is well recognized. ICET 2024 offers three corporate support packages: Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. The benefits and cost of each package are listed below. We are also happy to negotiate smaller support packages for young start-up companies.

Your exhibition will be open 2 full days. Setup begins 13th September, and ends on 15th September at dinner time. If you are interested in supporting ICET 2024, please send email to icet@academic.net or call at +86-13253333323 .

赞助商: Platinum Sponsor CNY 80,000
As the diamond sponsor, your company will always be at the spotlight and will be given full opportunities to impress all the delegates by visual presentation.


- Make a presentation at the conference (15-20 mins)

- Play the flack of company at the banquet (less than 5 minutes, provided by sponsor)

- Two exhibition tables during the conference
- Company logo displayed on the conference website and related promotional materials
- Full-page company information display in the conference handbook (including logo and a description of up to 300 words)
- Distribution of company promotional materials in the conference delegate bags
- Company logo featured in the official conference sponsorship section as a "Platinum Sponsor"
- Company logo included in the sponsor acknowledgment PPT during the opening ceremony
- Company-provided roll-up banners/backdrops placed in the refreshment, lunch, and dinner areas
- Six complimentary delegate registrations (including conference materials and meal vouchers)

黄金赞助商: Gold Sponsor CNY 50,000


- Play the flack of company at the banquet (less than five minutes, provided by sponsor)

- One exhibition table during the conference
- Company logo displayed on the conference website and related promotional materials
- Full-page company information display in the conference handbook (including logo and a description of up to 300 words)
- Distribution of company promotional materials in the conference delegate bags
- Company logo featured in the official conference sponsorship section as a "Gold Sponsor"
- Company logo included in the sponsor acknowledgment PPT during the opening ceremony
- Company-provided roll-up banners placed in the conference refreshment area
- Four complimentary delegate registrations (including conference materials and meal vouchers)

白银赞助商: Silver Sponsor CNY 30,000

- One exhibition table during the conference
- Company logo displayed on the conference website and related promotional materials
- Half-page company information display in the conference handbook (including logo and a description of up to 150 words)
- Company logo featured in the official conference sponsorship section as a "Silver Sponsor"
- Company logo included in the sponsor acknowledgment PPT during the opening ceremony
- Two complimentary delegate registrations (including conference materials and meal vouchers)


青铜赞助商: Bronze Sponsor


目前,公司已与多家行业龙头以及上下游企业建立战略合作,包括淘宝(中国)软件有限公司、华为技术有限公司、广东小天才科技有限公司、ADI等,实现相关领域的技术攻关。中科心研以强大的科研与工程化能力迅速填补行业空白,实现多项产品国产化替代。自主研发的”心理特征测评系统“替代了奥地利Schuhfried公司研制的”维也纳心理测试系统“,为我国军工领域多个核心作业岗位的人员心理选拔提供了平台和数据支撑;自主研发的“多模态人因数据采集终端"替代了MIT的Media Lab孵化的用于癫痫和情绪监测的“Empatica E4 Wristband”。
中科心研拥有北京市“专精特新”中小企业,二级军工保密资质与国军标质量管理体系,以及高新技术企业、中关村高新技术企业、ISO9001 质量管理体系等资质,已授权的发明专利8项,实用新型专利1项,外观专利1项,软件著作权 30 余项,商标11项。主持和参与多项国家重点研发计划,科技部和国自然重点项目,军科委人机工效、混合智能、生物交叉领域重点项目,北京市怀柔科学城成果落地重大专项,并荣获“中科院在京科研团队科技成果转化创业奖”,“ 创客中国首届京津冀中小企业创新创业大赛企业组三等奖”,“第二十二届中国国际高新技术成果交易会优秀产品奖”等多项荣誉。在2021政法智能化建设技术装备及成果展中,中科心研与中国政法大学、中科院心理所共同研制的“服刑人员智慧评估与矫正系统” 荣获智慧司法项目第一名。2022.5 参与录制的中央广播电视台拍摄纪录片《智能中国》播出,围绕智慧教育、人工智能辅助青少年心理健康应用落地方向提出解决方案。2022.5 参与《国民心理健康蓝皮书》项目,提供行业数据与分析报告。
中科心研于2020年初完成千万级天使轮融资。未来将充分发挥自身专业优势,建立“至精至诚 专业可信” 的企业核心价值观,秉承“让心可见,让科技更有温度” 的企业使命, 不断进行技术创新、设备创新、服务创新、管理创新,为实现“赋能一百个行业, 服务一亿人”的企业愿景努力奋进。